Ball cap buddy black Ball cap buddy white Ball cap buddy Ball cap buddy white Ball cap buddy white
Ball cap buddy black Ball cap buddy white Ball cap buddy Ball cap buddy white Ball cap buddy white
Ball Cap Buddy (cap washer)
1 Review | Review toevoegen
Een must voor iedereen die goed voor z'n pet wil zorgen!



€ 14,95
Prijs per stuk

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·        Safely clean,dry,shape,and store your ballcaps & protects while traveling
·        Now endoresed by SHARK TANK and As Seen on TV PRO
·        Excellent cap washer when used in top rack of the dishwasher. 100% Made in USA
·        Use with flat billed and curved caps. Use over and over again. Direct from USA manufacturer
·        Amazing results that brings new life to dirty caps. "Your Caps Dirty....Wash it !"
·        Safely cleans, dries, shapes and stores your hats
·        Amazing results when used in top rack of the dishwasher Brings new life to dirty ballcaps
·        100% Made and ships in USA Original PATENTED cap washer since 1992
·        Safe for flat and curved caps. Use over and over. protects while traveling
·        "Your Caps Dirty...... Wash It ! "

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Review toevoegen
Rick - 22-01-2020 22:06

Nog niet gebruikt maar lijkt mij prima om je pet mee te wassen

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